Bailey Forcier-Yake

Bailey is a self-starter and freelance writer who creates engaging blog posts, informative articles, and other written web content for her clients. She uses communication skills to connect with targeted audiences and uses techniques such as SEO optimization to increase traffic and help companies and businesses form trusting relationships with their readers.

Bailey's love to learn new things drives her to do thorough research, ensuring that my work consists of accurate and valuable information.

How Much Sex Is Too Little? | MINDCURE Health Inc.

When it comes to discussing matters that involve what goes on in the bedroom, many people have different opinions on a question that often gets tossed around: how much sex is too little?

The answer is — well, there is no right or wrong answer.

What's considered a sexual dysfunction for some women may be completely normal for another. It all depends on how she is affected by her sexual appetite mentally, emotionally, physically, and socially.

In this article, were going to explore what is cons

A Glimpse Inside Ibogaine Treatment Centers | MINDCURE Health Inc.

There’s an ongoing opioid crisis devastating both Canada and the US. Addiction is taking the lives of more and more people as health officials scramble to find a solution.

While there may not be one single answer to fixing this problem, an option showing great potential to end suffering for many is ibogaine treatment.

Currently non-existent in both Canada and the US, ibogaine treatment centers may hold the key to helping people who struggle with substance abuse disorder and other mental health

What to Do When Your Doctor Ignores Your FSD | MINDCURE Health Inc.

Two topics that go hand in hand are finally getting the proper research and evaluations they've gone long without: female sexual desire and psychedelics used as a form of medicinal treatment.

Women's sexual health has been stigmatized for a long time, not only by society but also by doctors. This is especially true in terms of female sexuality and issues with sexual desire. Maybe it’s the stigma or something about women’s bodies that makes some medical professionals uncomfortable.

Similarly, p

The Long, Grim Arm of Residential Schools | MINDCURE Health Inc.

While psychedelics are a trending topic for various mental health conditions, another story has recently come to light: the real history of Canadian residential schools.

Although not a secret to Canadians, media groups are now acknowledging the pain and horror that Indigenous children experienced, and which survivors of such schools carry with them into everyday life. Like a chain, such trauma becomes interwoven, affecting generations to come.

How Opioid Addiction Is Different From Other Addictions | MINDCURE Health Inc.

In 2018, Canada had 4,614 deaths that were related to opioid abuse. About 47,590 people in the US lost their lives to an opioid-related death that year. Together, that makes for over 50,000 people who have died due to the same cause.

So, why aren't we talking about it more?

North America is suffering from an epidemic, an issue that far too many people are unaware of and undereducated on: the opioid crisis.

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My inbox is always open, and you can contact me with the contact form here. I love hearing about new ideas, and I'm always open to answering questions.